After too much time in a job that had no color nor flavour, and making art in the little spare time left, I set out to the jungle to reset my life.
And reset it was in so many ways! No wifi, no washing machine, a blender powered by a bicycle, no bus, no train, monkeys jumping around my house, lizards fall to the floor from the roof, no kale, no brussels sprouts, but pineapples growing in my garden.
A lot has changed since I arrived here in the start of 2022. We have satelite wifi now, the blender broke, and I have set up a line of Natural Cosmetics for the ONG I am working for and am studying to become a Nutritional Consultant!
I feel more complete and more accomplished with this new knowledge, experiences and new passions in my life. But, art will always be my first love and I am delighted to be able to add some tropical flavor to my site.